The Andorran Reformer
The events of the trip were recorded in a Newsletter, the pages of which can be viewed or downloaded from the following links:
Page 1,  Page 2,  Page 3
Pages 4-5,  Page 6
Page 7,  Page 8
The 25th anniversary of the formation of the Reform Curling Club initiated a proposal to have a Bonspeil weekend in Andorra.  The timing of the event coincided with the European Mixed Curling Championships, and the plan was based on a budget that would hopefully be attractive and affordable to a significant number of the Club Members.
Coinciding with the Autumn school break, some 50 curlers and supporters set off for Barcelona on Thursday 13 October 2005. The coach transfer to Andorra La Vella was broken by an excellent meal at Fontanals Golf Club.  The ice at the arena had been prepared by Mark Callan and Scott  Henderson, and the enthusiastic
group were greeted with the news the ice was not yet of the high standard expected for competitive curling, with some sheets running “negative”.  This feature was highly reminiscent of the days of Crossmyloof Ice Rink (See Club History) and the ensuing play on tricky ice was enjoyed hugely by all.  Ice conditions slowly improved and reached a successful conclusion with the winners being announced as Team Maclennan/Burton, with prizes being presented at the Banquet in the team Hotel,  Ski Plaza.  The weary group made it’s way homewards on Monday 17 October, with a lunch stop at the spectacular Castell de Ciutat en route.  
The success of the trip was down in great part to the invaluable of assistance of Andrew Ferguson-Smith , the President of the Andorra Curling Association (and currently [2010] the President of the European Curling Federation ).  His attention to detail and constant presence throughout the weekend ensured that all arrangements went smoothly.
As the group said their farewells at Prestwick Airport, the question raised by all was “Where to next?”  
The Reform Touring Club was formed!